Italy is a parliamentary republic located in the south of Europe, with a population of 60 million inhabitants. It bordered to the north with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia; the rest of the territory is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, which is divided in the Ligurian Sea, the Tyrrenian Sea, the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. Its capitla is Rome, with a population of 3 million inhabitants. The most famous Italian cities are Naples, Venice, Florence, but the biggest Italian cities are Rome and Milan. Rome is in the centre-west of Italy and it is an old and beautiful city. Here tourists can visit the Colosseum, the city's symbol, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Quirinal, the Capitol Square and many other monuments and they can meet the Pope residing in Vatican City. The city also offers public facilities such as universities, parks, museums, gyms, shops, train stations and churches. Milan is in the north-centre of Italy and it has got about 1 million inhabitants. Milan is the city's chaotic but it is also the city of Italian fashion. Here tourists can visit the Milan Cathedral, the city's symbol, the Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II, with its important shops, the Arch of Peace, the Royal Palace and many other places, But only in these periods tourists can visit the "EXPO", a global exhibition about the theme of food. The most important foods of Italian kitchen are pasta and pizza, especially with tomato, mozzarella and basil, called "Margherita".
Football is the most populare sport, followed by volleyball and basketball.
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